The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) campaigns for a Dyslexia friendly society where barriers to Dyslexic people do not exist. The BDA works to ensure that ALL people with Dyslexia fulfill their potential.

Sossen offer a free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs.

Action-attainment (A-a) is a social enterprise working with parents, professionals and children to understand how sensory and communication needs impact education, social and leisure opportunities.  A-a provides active learning for parents and children through its innovative programme, On the Ball, where sport is used to try-out strategies for inclusion.  A-a also offers a range of school based inset for teaching staff, or evening workshops for parents. The workshops identify the value of early action to understand and use strategies to support children's attainment.

supports parents and represents children and young people with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

The Listening Program®(TLP) is a music listening method, personalized to improve brain fitness at any age or level of ability.